This Is Start-Up, They Gonna Messed You Up

Ji Pyeong is simply a phenomenal character— Jungpal part II incoming.

4 min readNov 14, 2020


eye contact.

Warning — this article shows alignments to #TeamHanJiPyeong. Any Nam Do-San ship should be drowned as soon as it possibly could. Thank you.

It’s clear that Seo Dal-Mi already sniffing something’s going on between these two — Mr. Han and Nam-Do San.

I mean if I was Dal-mi, everything comes to you in a very suspicious way. I would probably spinal lock-ing somebody, probably Nam Do-San, until they told me the truth.

Since it was not her fault for being such a genuine lady, it would be better for her to found out the truth by herself.

Well, she’ll figure it out anyway. So what stops you from telling her the truth, Mr. Han?

He’s Dumb

I think there are a few reasons why this guy — “the savior” Mr. Han (we should all agree about that nickname) choose to keep his mouth shut and let Dal-Mi having fun with Nam Do-San.

The first one is, he’s quite an idiot.

As we see, this guy has never been into a relationship his whole life. In fact, Dal-Mi was the only girl he texted at the time he has a desire to fall in love with a girl.




cinema freaks. communication and media amateur. writing because kind words cost nothing.